Idol is having a huge impact on our herd. We have kept a wealth of his heifers. They are beautifully feminine, with capacity, skin, good navels, very maternal and incredibly attractive.
Bulls gain his strong polled head, excellent underlines good bone and weight for age. We have retained one of his sons in Game on. Many stud bulls have been produced by Idol, they are always standouts.
As well as stud duties, Idol was used for a large commercial AI program over 170 heifers. He is incredibly unique as his calves are born small, but have terrific growth rates. His feet are perfect.

2020 sale topper - Innovative, $21000 to Stonebridge Droughtmasters

High Country Ixia - $13000 to Yimin Droughtmasters

2020 sale bull - Illusion, $20000 to Glenlands D Droughtmasters

High Country Game on - retained son

High Country Genesis $11500 Grey Gum Droughtmasters

High Country Icon - $14000 to Billabong Droughtmasters.

High Country Innocence - yearling retained

High Country Hermione 2019 sale heifer to Nindethana Droughtmasters

High Country Golden Girl - 2nd in a VERY large class Ekka 2019 with calf at foot

Young Idol heifer

Young Idol heifers

Young Idol heifer