Past Sires

Sire: Comanche Chief
Dam: Glenlands 4743
We purchased Glenlands Quarry, Lot 1 from 2013 Glenlands sale for $16000.
At 31 months, he weighed 1050 kgs with an EMA of 137 and scans of 17 and 13 and scrotal circumference of 39.5. Amongst his many show winnings, he was the calf champion at Beef 2012 and was thick and long and stood on excellent bone. He had a very tidy underline and showed impressive mobility for a bull of this size.
Pompes/PI negative
Semen morphology tested 90% normal.
Poll status : Polled PH

SIRE: Huntly Iceman
DAM: Minlacowie Julliette 6668
Originally sold to 3D Droughtmaster in 2013, he was offered to us when 3D had kept the majority of his heifers and could no longer use him. We jumped at the chance. He has grown into a massive bull, 1160 kg with a brilliant underline, good polled head, strong bone and excellent feet and has left behind a wealth of soft, deep, magnificent heifers with his brilliant temperament.
He was sold for stud duties.
Semen morphology 85%
Polled status : Polled PP

SIRE: Clonlara Digger
DAM: Clonlara 1250
Chosen specifically to breed us replacement females, this higher content youngster has excellent semen quality with 95% crush side and 87% normal morphology.
He has the highly sought after combination of loose skin, great tropical coat, whilst still maintaining a tidy underline. He bred us an outstanding line of females at our co-operative herd.
Pompes/PI negative
Semen morphology tested 87% normal.
Polled status : Polled PH

SIRE:Valera Vale Bruiser 301
DAM:Valera Vale 9804
Purchased as a 17 month old for use over heifers. He caught our eye with his softness, thickness, strong homozygous polled head, length and exceptionally good sheath and sealed the deal with his impeccable temperament.
He was used in staggered matings both at High Country and at our co-operative breeders and held up brilliantly.
Pompes/PI negative
Semen morphology tested 87% normal.
Polled status : Polled PP

Sire: Billabong Ridley
Dam: Kapalee Jealousy 9
Chosen as an outstanding weaner, Conqueror showed all of the muscling and strong topline of his sire, whilst maintaining length, overall structural correctness and an outstanding temperament. He had an excellent sheath and testicles and was extremely fertile with a crush side semen test of 90%.
Pompes/PI negative
Semen morphology tested 88% normal
Polled status : Polled PP
He was sold to a commercial Droughtmaster herd.

Sire: Hillside Park Isaac
Dam: Billabong Maydena
Our original sire, a true gentleman in every respect. A Billabong Godfrey and Kapalee Goldfinger grandson. Polled, incredibly long with a very strong backline and a very tidy underline.
His bull calves all had his excellent eye muscle and high fertility with morphologies in the low 90% for most of his bulls. The females he left us had excellent udders and were very functional females.
Semen morphology tested 92% normal

Sire: Trafalgar Palestine
Dam: Billabong Gable
Purchased for use over heifers and to increase the content in our breeders, Watson grew into a massive sire with a bombproof temperament.
His females are fertile, functional females who punch above their weight in relation to the calves that they produce.
He was a half brother to $20000 Billabong Jackpot and out of one of Billabongs original leading matrons.

Sire: Minlacowie Johan
Dam: Oasis Stormbird
Purchased from the Fortrus Dispersal, Buster had originally been purchased by Angle Zed stud for $20000.
We have kept quite a few females from Buster including some show champions.
He was long and thick, a very large framed bull and had a brilliant temperament, with a bull sired by him selling for $37500 to Oasis Droughtmasters.

Sire: Medway Oombabeer
Dam: Locarno Bronte
Purchased for $20000 at the 2017 DN sale. At only 22 months, this young bull got our attention with his perfect polled head and brilliant underline and sealed the deal with his excellent weight for age 850kgs and impressive 142 EMA and 42 scrotal and 94% morphology.
Pompes/PI negative
Semen morphology tested 95% normal
Poll Status: Polled PP
Sire: Glenlands Quartermaster
Dam: Glenlands Olympia
Purchased for $42,500 at the 2019 Glenlands Sale. His major broad ribbon win include Brisbane Royal 2019 Reserve Junior Champion Bull and the Calf Champion at the years Wandoan Feature Show.
19 months, 811 kgs, EMA 133, ADG 1.34, Fats 10/7, IMF 4, scrotal 44.5 cm.
Unfortunately injured and culled early in his first season.
Pompes/PI negative
Poll status : Scurred PH

Sire: Billabong Nevada
Dam: Billabong Iantha
Purchased as the top priced Billabong bull for the year at $17,000, Xavier made a huge impact on our herd. He left us with a wealth of fantastic females, the retained sire Edward and produced us some of our favourite sale bulls.
Poll status : Scurred PH

Sire: Billabong Landmark
Dam: Billabong Karlotta
A large framed, extremely long horned bull, he was a prolific breeder and gave us feminine heifers and bulls with excellent bone.
He was sold to a commercial herd.
Poll status : Horned HH

Sire: Yaralla Norton
Dam: Yaralla 127/2
Purchased at the 2017 DN sale for $22000. An impressive youngster, polled, 23 months, 45.5 scrotal, 85% motility, 132 EMA, fats 13 & 8, weight 734 kgs.
Carrying an abundance of muscle, he is very mobile and selected from a herd known for their excellence in both commercial hoof and hook competitions as well as their strong emphasis on fertility. His sons have sold to $10000.
Pompes/PI negative
Semen morphology tested 70% normal
Polled status: Polled PH